Should I Go Back to Work After an Oilfield Injury?

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Should I Go Back to Work After an Oilfield Injury?

It doesn’t matter whether an oilfield worker is a 20-year veteran or an undocumented immigrant who just got started on the job site. When an accident takes place that results in a severe injury, the first thing most of these workers want to do is to get back on the job as fast as they can. But this is often a mistake, not only from a health perspective. Going back to work too soon after an injury may limit your ability to obtain maximum compensation.

If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, please don’t make a move until you speak with a Sand Law attorney. Our team of experts will listen to the details surrounding your injury. And we’ll let you know how we can help you get the money you deserve for the suffering you’ve had to endure.

You can schedule a free, no-obligation review of your case by contacting us online. Or give us a call at 701-609-1510.

Here’s some information on what you should keep in mind if you’re hurt in an oilfield accident.

Steps to Take Before You Return to Work

There are a lot of reasons that oilfield accidents take place. But most of them have one thing in common. They can result in devastating injuries. In the immediate aftermath, a worker may be running on so much adrenaline that they don’t realize just how badly they’ve been hurt. They can, as a result, make rash decisions that can ultimately hurt them financially.

Please don’t let this happen to you. Make sure you do the following if you’re harmed due to an oilfield mishap.

Notify Your Employer of the Accident

Tell your supervisor about the accident and your injury immediately. If you don’t report it in a timely manner, you might not only lose your job. But you may also lose your ability to obtain compensation for your damages. Be upfront about what happened. If you can, complete an incident report as well. This will document your injury in writing so there can be no question about your account of why the accident occurred. Give all the details you can, not only of the accident but your injury as well.

Seek Immediate Medical Treatment

The faster you get medical help, the better your chances will be of making a complete recovery. But it’s also important to do so when it comes to your personal injury claim. If you delay medical attention, an insurance company might argue that you’re not as badly hurt as you claim. And they may be able to use this argument to undercut your compensation.

See a doctor as soon as you can, even if you don’t think you’ve been seriously injured. There are some injuries that aren’t readily apparent. It could take days – or even weeks – for symptoms to present themselves.

Contact an Oilfield Injury Attorney

You will need to make sure your rights are protected after an oilfield injury. That means speaking with an attorney as fast as you can. If you are going to get the most money possible for your injury, you’re going to need to be able to prove your case. The accident could have happened due to gross employer negligence. Or, a defective part could have failed, exposing the manufacturer of that part to potential liability.

Severe Injuries May Require You to Take a Long Period of Time Off From Work

It’s very important you realize that your injury may keep you on the sidelines for an extended period of time. As hard as it may be to accept that fact, you’ll need to stay at home so you can recover as fully as possible. This means you might experience lost wages.

Again, this is where an attorney could be a huge help. At Sand Law, we can conduct a thorough investigation into the accident so that we can identify who was to blame. There’s a chance we could help you get far more money than you could otherwise receive through worker’s compensation alone.

How Can I Make Sure I’m Compensated for this Time Off?

You’re all-too familiar with the fact that oilfield work is incredibly dangerous. Companies are expected to comply with extremely strict federal regulations in order to keep the risk of an accident to a minimum. The hard fact, however, is that companies will often cut corners safety-wise in order to boost profits.

If your attorney can prove your employer prioritized those profits over your safety, you may be entitled to receive a significant amount of compensation.

Oilfield Injuries That May Cause Loss of Ability to Work

As dangerous as an oilfield can be, it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to realize that accidents in this type of environment can result in catastrophic injuries. These are just a few examples.

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI). This is arguably one of the most tragic severe injuries, because it can ruin a person’s cognitive abilities. Many TBI victims suffer such extensive brain damage that they can no longer perform even basic everyday tasks, such as brushing their teeth or bathing or feeding themselves.
  • Burns. Any oilfield accident is likely to result in horrible burn injuries, which cause excruciating pain. The treatment needed to repair these injuries can be just as painful.
  • Neck and back injury. Even if someone is “lucky” enough to “only” suffer an injury to their back or neck, that can still result in a lifetime of severe discomfort – and possibly even debilitation.

Work with an Experience Oilfield Accident Attorney to Ensure You Get the Compensation that You Deserve, Whether You’re Off Work for a few Days or You’re Unable to Return

No matter how long you have to miss work due to an oilfield accident injury, the skilled, experienced attorneys with Sand Law will be ready to help you obtain full and fair compensation.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so we can provide you with a free consultation. Just give us a call at 701-609-1510 or use our online contact form as soon as you can.

Article Written or reviewed by:

Attorney-Bill Sand

Bill Sand

William Sand is a founding partner and lawyer at Sand Law PLLC who focuses on criminal defense and personal injury. Bill has over 12 years of experience representing clients in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Lawyer & Managing Partner at Sand Law