Fargo Child Injury Attorney
Every parent knows how easy it can be for a child to suffer an injury. They could be hurt on a playground, in a car accident, or they can be struck by a vehicle while riding their bicycle. A child can even be severely injured while playing with their favorite toy.
When this happens, parents often have no idea where to turn. How are they going to possibly be able to pay for their child’s medical care? How will they be able to handle losing money because of the time they’ll have to miss from work?
If your child has been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, the personal injury attorneys with Sand Law will be here for you. We’ll work passionately to gather the proof it will take to make your case as strong as possible. You’ll have the best opportunity to obtain the compensation you and your child deserve as a result.
Please get in touch with our firm as soon as you can to learn more about how we may be able to help. You can give us a call at 701-609-1510 to schedule a free consultation, or you can contact us online.
Child Injury Statistics
The numbers are staggering when it comes to child injuries. It’s estimated that 10 million people aged 19 and younger across the U.S. require emergency medical treatment. That’s almost 28,000 every day. Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries. These injuries account for about 8,000 emergency room visits each day.
Tragically, accidents are also the leading cause of death for those between the ages of 1 and 19. More than 7,000 accidental deaths occurred among this age group in 2019 alone.
Safety First: Preventative Measures for Child Safety
Children, with their innate curiosity and limited understanding of risks, are especially vulnerable to injuries. Parents, caregivers, and institutions responsible for children should prioritize safety.
This includes childproofing homes, ensuring toys are age-appropriate, and regularly inspecting play areas for potential hazards. Proper supervision, especially in high-risk areas like swimming pools or busy streets, is crucial. By being proactive and staying informed about child safety, many injuries can be prevented.
Types of Child Injury Cases

Children can be hurt in a wide variety of ways. In many instances, they’re hurt because of someone else’s negligence. Here are just a few examples.
Birth Injuries
Doctors will sometimes use excessive force when trying to remove a baby from the mother’s birth canal. This can result in devastating injuries that can lead to a lifetime of debilitation. If a medical professional commits this or any type of error, and a severe injury occurs due to that error, the parents may be able file a medical malpractice lawsuit.
Head Injuries
Any kind of fall can lead to a traumatic brain injury, or some other type of severe head injury. If an investigation into the accident shows that the fall occurred due to negligence, an attorney may be able to pursue a personal injury lawsuit on behalf of both the parents and the child. This type of lawsuit could provide compensation for past medical treatment and other expenses, as well as future expenses for treatment that will likely be needed in the future.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Even when children are in child car seats, they can still suffer horrible injuries should an accident occur. More than 600 children age 12 and younger tragically lost their lives in car accidents in 2019. And more than 90,000 children suffered injuries. An attorney can conduct an investigation into any car accident that led to your child being severely injured or killed. They’ll gather the evidence needed to hold all negligent parties accountable.
Poor Supervision
When you leave your child at school, a daycare facility, someone else’s home, a community swimming pool, or anywhere else, you expect there to be responsible adults who will supervise them. Unfortunately, these adults sometimes shirk their responsibilities, and a child is seriously hurt as a result.
Defective Products
Nearly 45,000 children 5 years old and younger had to go to the hospital in 2020 due to some sort of defective product. They could have fallen out of a poorly designed highchair or a crib, or suffered some type of injury due to a defective stroller. Children are commonly hurt by toys that present choking or other hazards due to defective design or manufacturing. You may be entitled to compensation from the manufacturer if it can be proven that their negligence led to your child’s injury.
Who’s Liable for My Child’s Injuries?
There are actually many different parties that could face liability for your child’s injury. It depends on the circumstances surrounding the accident.
Suppose you were in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. You might be able to sue not only the driver, but also the establishment that over-served that person. Your child may have been injured when your car was hit by a truck driven by a fatigued driver. Or, the truck’s brakes may have failed due to negligent maintenance. In either of those situations, you may be able to take legal action against the trucking company.
If your child was hurt in an accident that occurred at a daycare center, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the company that runs the daycare. If a babysitter or nanny was negligent, and that negligence led to an injury, then you may be able to file a lawsuit against that person.
negligence led to your child’s injury.
Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit on Behalf of Your Child
No matter what the cause of your child’s injury, you’ll need the help of a skilled personal injury attorney to have the best possible chance of obtaining compensation. Not only will an attorney be able to investigate the accident and uncover critical evidence. But they can also negotiate on your behalf with insurance companies.
The vast majority of personal injury lawsuits are settled out of court. However, insurers aren’t often willing to offer a fair settlement. In these cases, your attorney will be ready to prove your case in a court of law.
Contact Sand Law PLLC to Schedule a Free Case Consultation
The attorneys with Sand Law believe that any sort of child injury is one of the worst kinds of personal injury cases we see. When someone else’s carelessness leads to that injury, we do all we can to make sure they face full accountability for their negligence.
If your child has been severely hurt due to the negligence of another, contact us online or call 701-609-1510 for a free case review.
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