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How Video Wins Personal Injury Cases - Sand Law PLLC - North Dakota Attorneys How Video Wins Personal Injury Cases

14th January 2022

Whether you’ve been bitten by a dog, slipped and fell in a grocery store aisle, or been in a car accident or a motorcycle accident, you’re going to need proof in order to hold those responsible for your suffering accountable. Video is one of the most powerful tools possible to help you obtain that proof…. Read more »

Do I Have a Dog Bite Injury Case - sand law pllc north dakota animal attack personal injury attorneys Do I Have a Dog Bite Injury Case?

30th December 2021

When you’re near a dog you don’t know, whether that’s in a friend’s home or you’re on a dog-friendly patio at a local restaurant, you probably do whatever you can to avoid suffering a bite. But bites can happen, no matter how many precautions we may take. If this has happened to you, there’s a… Read more »

Don’t Let the Holidays Tempt You Into Driving Drunk - Sand Law PLLC - North Dakota DUI DWI Criminal Defense Attorneys Don’t Let the Holidays Tempt You Into Driving Drunk

13th December 2021

It happens tens thousands of times every year across the country. Someone goes to an office holiday party or some other type of gathering, and wants to fit in by having a couple of drinks – even though they never touch alcohol any other time of the year. The next thing they know, they’re driving… Read more »

Watch Out for an Increase in Truck Accidents Around the Holidays - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Personal Injury Attorneys Watch Out for an Increase in Truck Accidents Around the Holidays

15th November 2021

There’s always a risk for a devastating collision between a car and a commercial truck, no matter what time of the year it may be. But the risk gets even higher during the holiday season. Icy roads, hurried drivers and exhausted truckers trying to make deadlines can combine for disastrous results. The experienced truck accident… Read more »

Why You Should Never Admit Fault in a Car Accident Case - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Personal Injury Attorney Why You Should Never Admit Fault in a Car Accident Case

29th October 2021

Being involved in any sort of vehicle accident can cause a lot of anxiety, and a lot of stress. You might have suffered relatively minor injuries in a car wreck. Even worse, you might have been seriously hurt in an accident involving a large truck. You may feel overwhelmed as a result, wondering if you… Read more »

What’s the Difference Between Theft, Robbery, and Burglary - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Criminal Defense Attorneys What’s the Difference Between Theft, Robbery, and Burglary?

15th October 2021

You might not have ever given much thought to the differences between theft, robbery and burglary. But if you or a loved one has been charged with one of these crimes, you’re probably finding yourself thinking about those differences much more than you like. It’s very important to know how these different crimes differ. Additionally,… Read more »

Most Common Drugs Involved in DWI Cases - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Criminal Defense DUI Attorney Most Common Drugs Involved in DWI Cases

15th September 2021

Most people associate driving while intoxicated (DWI) arrests with alcohol. But DWI arrests involving drugs also commonly occur. Whenever someone is considered to be under the influence of any intoxicating substance, that can be grounds for a DWI charge. Sand Law PLLC has skilled attorneys who can provide you with expert representation if you’ve been… Read more »

Federal Drug Offense Defense Lawyers in North Dakota - Sand Law PLLC Federal Drug Offense Defense Lawyers in North Dakota

28th August 2021

Facing any sort of drug offense is intimidating, of course. But facing a federal charge is even worse, considering the severity of the penalties. You need an exceptionally skilled lawyer who not only has experience, but a track record of success in defending people against this type of crime. At Sand Law PLLC, we have… Read more »

Most Common North Dakota Motorcycle Accident Injuries - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Personal Injury Attorneys Most Common North Dakota Motorcycle Accident Injuries

16th August 2021

Even though North Dakota provides a perfect environment for riding, motorcycle accidents occur far too often. While it’s a thrilling hobby, it’s also a dangerous one that can lead to devastating injuries – or worse. When you’re on a motorcycle, you just don’t have the same level of protection as a driver or passenger in… Read more »