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3 Steps to Take After a DUI Arrest in North Dakota - Sand Law PLLC - Minot Fargo North Dakota Criminal Defense DWI Attorneys 3 Steps to Take After a DUI Arrest in North Dakota

12th September 2022

It’s obviously scary after being arrested for a DUI. You’re not only worried about potential jail time and stiff fines, you might also be dreading having an interlock device put on your car. But you’re going to need to keep a clear head – an arrest won’t necessarily mean a conviction. Suppose you took a… Read more »

Should I Go Back to Work After an Oilfield Injury - Sand Law PLLC - Minot Fargo North Dakota Personal Injury Attorney Should I Go Back to Work After an Oilfield Injury?

29th August 2022

It doesn’t matter whether an oilfield worker is a 20-year veteran or an undocumented immigrant who just got started on the job site. When an accident takes place that results in a severe injury, the first thing most of these workers want to do is to get back on the job as fast as they… Read more »

Is Avoiding DUI Checkpoints Legal - Sand Law PLLC - Fargo Minot North Dakota Criminal Defense Attorneys Is Avoiding DUI Checkpoints Legal?

15th August 2022

If you’ve been driving for any period of time, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve come across a DUI checkpoint on a highway at one time or another. While there’s no doubt that these are legal (although many would question whether or not they’re ethical), it’s important to know that you can try to… Read more »

What do I do if the At-Fault Driver Offered Me Cash - Sand Law PLLC - Minot Fargo North Dakota Personal Injury Car Accident Attorneys What do I do if the At-Fault Driver Offered Me Cash?

29th July 2022

So, a reckless driver has hit your car. Or, you were riding on your motorcycle when you were struck by a negligent motorist. You might have been in a wreck on a snowy day and hit by someone who wasn’t driving safely enough, considering the conditions. Whatever the scenario, the at-fault driver offered to pay… Read more »

Can a DUI Defense Attorney Help Reduce my Sentence - Sand Law PLLC - Bismarck Fargo Minot Williston Watford City North Dakota Criminal DWI Defense Lawyers Can a DUI Defense Attorney Help Reduce my Sentence?

20th July 2022

Being charged with a DUI doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have to serve the maximum sentence. If you choose the right attorney, you could see that sentence substantially reduced, or possibly even have the charges dropped entirely. While no reputable attorney will ever make any promises, there’s a chance you might not have to face the… Read more »

Understanding Your Rights at a DUI Checkpoint - Sand Law PLLC Minot Fargo North Dakota DUI DWI Defense Attorneys Understanding Your Rights at a DUI Checkpoint

20th May 2022

Every once in a while, police will set up a DUI checkpoint, usually on a major highway. While checkpoints are legal, drivers need to understand that they have rights as well. Just because a checkpoint is approaching, that doesn’t mean you have to go through it, and if you do, your rights still have to… Read more »

How to Prove Fault in a Dog Bite Claim - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Personal Injury Attorneys How to Prove Fault in a Dog Bite Claim

6th May 2022

If you’ve been the victim of a dog bite, there’s a very high likelihood that it was the most terrifying experience of your life – and probably the most painful, as well. You’ve not only suffered major injuries, you’ve also incurred substantial monetary losses due to medical expenses and lost wages. Even worse, the insurance… Read more »

Should You Take a Lie Detector Test to Prove Your Innocence - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Criminal Defense Attorneys Should You Take a Lie Detector Test to Prove Your Innocence?

21st April 2022

If you’ve been arrested and you know you’re innocent, you’ll likely be willing to do whatever it takes to prove it – even if that means taking a polygraph, or lie detector test. Whether you’re facing a charge of having committed a financial crime,drug trafficking, a property crime or anything else, you might feel desperate… Read more »

Bad Faith Insurance Practices in Car Accident Claims - Sand Law PLLC North Dakota Personal Injury Attorney Bad Faith Insurance Practices in Car Accident Claims

8th April 2022

The process of filing any sort of personal injury claim after a car accident can be stressful and frustrating. When your insurance company fails to come through, by either low-balling your claim or denying it entirely, you might feel hopeless. But you can fight, and a personal injury attorney can help you do just that…. Read more »